Motivational Quotes For When You Need Direction in Business

Updated on 8 April 2019

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Motivational Quotes For When You Need Direction in Business

Feeling lost in life and business? Whether you are struggling to find your purpose, are looking for motivation or need help finding focus. Below is guidance from various life coaches to help you get on the right path.

Looking for: Vision

motivational quotes sonja mckaiser
Sonja McKaiser

– Use affirmations. Affirmations are phrases we repeat often to help with positive self-talk. They need to be believable to you and resonate with you.

– Always choose affirmations that feels best for you.

Here are a few examples of affirmations:

  • I am courageous
  • I love and approve of myself
  • I am grateful
  • I choose joy
  • I follow my heart
  • I speak up for myself
  • I make healthy decisions

– Put together a vision board. A vision board helps to show us where we are going. Spend 30 min paging through magazines, tearing out images or words that resonate with you. Then neatly cut out the images and words. Stick everything on your board. Remember to have fun while doing it, and if you can, switch off your phone. Once you’re done, put your board up against the wall, in a place where you will be able to see it every day. – Sonja McKaiser, entrepreneur and founder of Creative Space with Sonja

Looking for:  Fitness Motivation

motivational quotes juanita khumalo – In order to reach your fitness goals, you need to be disciplined and consistent in your eating and exercise. You won’t necessarily see results immediately, however you need to always remember why you started.

– Keep the end goal in mind.

– Get a sufficient amount of sleep. Your body and mind will function better the better rested you are.

– Switch off all electronic devices 30 minutes before bedtime or put your phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode.

– Develop a routine to suit your lifestyle and stick to it.

– Wake up earlier. – Juanita Khumalo, a fitness and wellness influencer and founder of Trove Wellness

Looking for: Your true self

motivational quotes briony liber
Briony Liber

– [It’s important to] invest time in getting to know yourself. When you know who you truly are, what you value and where your boundaries are, it becomes a lot easier to figure out what’s important to you and where your purpose and meaning come from.

– Start by reflecting on a situation that was very meaningful to you. Ask yourself: What was meaningful about it, what was happening at the time? What was happening to you?

– Think about the things that you will not tolerate in yourself and in others. – Briony Liber, Career and Business Coach and founder of Briony Liber Coaching & Consulting

Looking for: Purpose

motivational quotes tshidi wa phila
Tshidi Wa Pila

– Be introspective, it starts with bare honesty and accountability.

– Ask yourself empowering questions like “What would I do if I had everything I ever wanted? What would I do if I only had weeks to live? What would I do if I could not fail?”

– Define your bigger why. Ask yourself questions like “why do we wake up each morning? Why do we have the conversations we are having? Why do we share our lives in this way, with these people? Why do we believe what we believe?”

– Make use of mentors, leaders and coaches, they serve the role of guiding us through the passage of wisdom. Also, no one knows it all, books and documentaries on purpose and mind transformation are great tools. – Tshidi Wa Pila, Life Coach and founder of Imperative Transformation Journey

Looking for: Focus

motivational quotes yvette ratshikhopha
Yvette Ratshikhopha

– Look at what are the things that makes you happy? What is the one thing that you love doing that makes you feel fulfilled?

– Look at your journey and the experiences you have gone through, the skills and qualifications that you gained and ask yourself “how can I use these things to help serve my purpose?”

– Read books and listen to others tell their stories about how they found their purpose.

– Write things down, visualise who you want to be and what role you want to play in the world. – Yvette Ratshikhopha, Business Coach and founder of The Global Village Hub

Looking for: Success

motivational quotes tania shingler
Tania Shingler

– Steer clear of anything or anyone who is not helping you grow.

– Create affirmations and say them out loud, regularly (or daily). There is power in saying these words out loud and the more you repeat them with conviction the more the universe will take you seriously.

– Post the affirmations up where you can see it daily – when we see things we believe them.

– Create a vision board.

– Have a kick ass playlist and listen to it to keep your heart and mind in a state of happiness. – Tania Shingler, entrepreneur and founder of Shingler Connect, a business network group for entrepreneurs on Facebook.

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