Join the North-West University SME Study

Updated on 21 September 2020

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The North-West University is inviting all SMEs to participate in a qualitative SME study focusing on the interactions between leaders in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and their employees and among SME employees.

Requirements to participate in the SME study:

• Business owners / managers (with direct reports)/employees of a South African SME employing between 11 and 250 employees AND
• The SME should fall in the (a) agriculture, (b) manufacturing, (c) catering, accommodation and other trade, or (d) the finances and business services sectors.

What will you be required to do?

• Participate in an (online) interview for up to 45 minutes.
• The interview will be scheduled at a date and time that suits you.
• Confidentiality will be ensured.
• You will receive a R200 data bundle or a digital shopping voucher.


For more information, or if you wish to participate in the SME study, please contact Ms Nadia Jordaan the North-West University at or 078 450 1140.

The study is funded by the National Research Foundation (TTK190307422577), but the ideas and opinions remain that of the researcher. The study has been approved by the relevant ethics committee (NWU-00712-20-A4) and participants are free to withdraw from the study at any time.

The following content is paid for by the North-West University. 

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