Thought Leaders

Thought Leaders

Are You Running an Honest Company?

Reading Time: 3 minutes It is unusual to speak of honesty in terms of corporate advantage. Unfortunately, recent developments suggest honesty for honesty’s sake may not be enough to ensure principled conduct in all

Thought Leaders

How to Manage Inappropriate Behaviour on Social Media

Reading Time: 2 minutes To manage an organisation’s reputation and ensure that it is not associated with any controversial, discriminatory or damaging (legally, financially or otherwise) views, it is vital to keep an eye on what

Thought Leaders

What was your business’ ‘Oscar Moment’?

Reading Time: 3 minutes I watched with a combination of fascination and horror as disaster struck this week’s carefully orchestrated Oscar Awards in Hollywood. The final award, Movie of the Year, was announced as

Thought Leaders

Could this be the end of internet banking?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have we seen the peak of internet banking in South Africa? Although the banks are quite tight-lipped about their usage numbers, I suspect that the number of customers using a

Thought Leaders

SA’s Late Payments Culture Challenges SMEs

Reading Time: 3 minutes In his 2017 budget, Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan promised the continuation of procurement reforms to widen opportunities for small business participation and ensure public money is being spent effectively. However,

Thought Leaders

Why We are Still Talking About Innovation

Reading Time: 2 minutes Innovation is all the buzz. But what does innovation really mean? The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines innovation as “the implementation of a new or significantly improved