Mastercard Collaborates with SA Mobile Payment and Loyalty Rewards App Zapper

Updated on 14 May 2018

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A collaboration between South African mobile payment and loyalty rewards application, and Masterpass, a global digital payment service by Mastercard, will see South Africans now able to use the Zapper app to make mobile payments at nearly 50,000 Masterpass-enabled merchants nationwide.

Using QR code technology, Zapper provides  all-in-one mobile payments, vouchering and loyalty services to a variety of businesses and brands.

When shopping, Masterpass users simply scan a Zapper QR code displayed at a point of sale, or online at a wide range of Zapper merchants, to pay for goods and services.

Once a QR code is scanned, the payment amount is entered and confirmed by entering the cardholder’s ATM PIN code or a one-time PIN code sent to their mobile phones. Every transaction processed through Masterpass is authorised by the cardholder, ensuring that customers are always in control and have high levels of security for the transaction.

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