Saryx Engineering Group (SEG) Announced SA’s most Innovative Company

Updated on 8 June 2018

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Ingrid Osborne_Co-founder of Saryx Engineering Group

Saryx Engineering Group (SEG) was announced as the overall winner of the 2018 FNB Business Innovation Awards (FNB BIA) hosted by FNB Business supported by Endeavor South Africa.

Saryx, which was founded by two female entrepreneurs, Ingrid Osborne and Julie Mathieson, offers innovative solutions to help companies of all sizes track document compliance and share documents securely.

“Being chosen as a winner among the nine great businesses fundamentally affirms our business model. We have done some amazing work and continue to evolve while moving the needle in the industry using new innovative and technological tools,” says Ingrid Osborne.

“Winning this award is a step in the right direction to access global markets. We are very excited about the future and the opportunities that this accolade will afford our business,” adds Julie Mathieson.

Saryx won out against the likes of Pargo, a smart logistics company; GAAP Point-of-Sale; and Skynamo (formerly known as Honeybee) a mobile-first sales application, among others.

FNB Business will sponsor Ingrid Osborne and Julie Mathieson to participate at the coveted two-day Endeavor International Selection Panel (ISP) in Argentina this year in September 2018. ISP brings together high-impact entrepreneurs to present their business to world-leading business personalities for a chance to be part of an exclusive global network.

Mike Vacy-Lyle, CEO of FNB Business says the FNB Business Innovation Awards is an incredible platform that showcases business excellence and the potential of South Africa’s entrepreneurs. “Since the launch of the awards in 2015, we have seen winners and finalists go on to become thought leaders and employment creators in their respective industries. This attests to the ability of the initiative to enable businesses with the highest potential to scale to access global markets. Congratulations to (SEG) for winning this prestigious award and to all the businesses that took part in this year’s competition.”

“The FNB Business Innovation Awards is a celebration of the remarkable journeys of some of our country’s entrepreneurial role models. These founders are committed to building successful local businesses that drive much-needed economic growth and job creation,” adds Catherine Townshend, Managing Director of Endeavor South Africa.

Read Also: Thabile Engineering: Thabile Engineering: A Profile of Success

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