Call for Aspiring Entrepreneurs to Pitch in the #EpsonEntrepreneur Campaign

Updated on 15 February 2018

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EpsonEntrepreneur-Logo-640x610With the launch of the #EpsonEntrepreneur campaign Epson, global innovators in printing and visual technologies, is looking to  support future entrepreneurs and startup companies in South Africa.

The campaign calls for South Africans to self-nominate or nominate budding entrepreneurs and startup business owners by submitting a 300-word written business elevator pitch or 3-minute elevator pitch video of their business idea to the Epson South Africa Facebook Page.

Over the next few weeks, top entries will be profiled on the Epson South Africa Facebook page, with the ultimate winner walking away with a small-business starter pack that includes an Epson EcoTank ITS L6190 printer, an Epson EB-X41 business projector, a corporate identity and marketing starter plan, and launch announcement PR support.

In addition, Epson is partnering with Heavy Chef, an entrepreneurial startup, to identify and share success stories of local entrepreneurs and encourage Heavy Chef attendees to nominate themselves or fellow entrepreneurs.

Heavy Chef events, workshops and tours focus on technology, leadership and creativity, and equip local entrepreneurs with insights and skills shared by some of the most inspiring entrepreneurs and personalities in South Africa and abroad. The next event is taking place in Cape Town on the 27th, and in Joburg on the 28th February 2018.

“Our economy is sustained by small and medium enterprises (SMEs),” says Timothy Thomas, consumer sales manager at Epson South Africa. “Epson recognises that by encouraging and supporting entrepreneurial South Africans, they can turn their budding ideas into a start-up business.”

According to the latest Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) South Africa report for 2016-2017, 37.9% of South Africans perceive that they have the capabilities required to start their own businesses. Epson is launching this campaign to exploit this potential and encourage anyone who has the spark to become an entrepreneur to take that brave leap forwards.

“We encourage all aspiring entrepreneurs and start-up business owners to submit their business elevator pitch – no matter how big or small the idea may seem,” says Thomas. “After all, our entrepreneurs are South Africa’s future.”

Nominations close on the 22nd of March, and the ultimate #EpsonEntrepreneur will be announced on the Epson South Africa Facebook page on the 23rd of March 2018.

Visit for more information, and to submit your nomination.

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