Fourth Annual Youth Expo to be hosted by Gauteng Government in June

Updated on 29 May 2018

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Startup-Youth-Meeting-500x330The Growth Institute announced on Tuesday that the Gauteng Provincial Government would be hosting the fourth annual Youth Jobs, Career, and Entrepreneurship EXPO next month.

The event will be taking place from 9-17 June at the Nasrec expo centre.

“Growth Institute will be an exhibitor at this event and there will be a strong focus on providing the youth with alternative tertiary options, allowing the youth to be work ready within one year,” the institute said.

“Growth Institute will exhibit at the Work Readiness Village at Nasrec, and the company will participate in events at the Tshepo One Million Village (youth skills empowerment initiative by Gauteng provincial government).”

The Growth Institute said the key message to the youth of Gauteng was that there were professionally accredited programs that prepared the youth to become self-reliant young professionals providing services to SMMes.

“In addition, in line with government’s policy about growing more entrepreneurs, ‘Innopreneurship through Skills’ will be an important message from Growth Institute.”

It added that in a country where jobs were scarce, the youth had to be shown how to create their own work through Innopreneurship, the coming together of entrepreneurship and innovation. (via African News Agency)

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