More South Africans plan on shopping online next year. According to the Effective Measure/IAB South African eCommerce report, 44% of offline shopper survey respondents say that they anticipate making an online purchase in the next 12 months. But before they do they have shared what they need to make the switch.
The 2018 E-Commerce Industry Report offers insight into consumers’ attitudes towards online and offline shopping and their respective purchasing processes.
Here are their responses for the 3 most important improvements that would make them shop online more.
Cheaper or free delivery (20%)
Better availability of product information (15%)
A payment method that I can trust (13%)
Easier to use sites (12%)
Shorter delivery times (11%)
Loyalty rewards (9%)
Possibility to return products or an easy return process (9%)
More information about special offers and promotions/advertising(6%)
Better packaging (to prevent product damage during delivery) (4%)
If more of my friends or family do it (1%)