South Africa Ranks 46th in Huawei Global Connectivity Index

Updated on 4 June 2018

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Kgabo ICT needs women at the helmSouth Africa ranks 46th out of 79 countries according to the Huawei Global Connectivity Index 2018, (GCI).

The report provides an analysis of how 79 countries deploy a range of enabling technologies such as broadband, data centre, cloud, big data, artificial intelligence and the Internet of things in an effort to drive the digital transformation of industries, cities and government.

In general, the South Africa has performed on average levels in terms of broadband, data centers and cloud services.

South Africa saw improvements in mobile broadband (MBB) subscription and smartphone penetration, however the report indicates that “moving forward, more investment in ICT infrastructure is necessary to support and facilitate the development ICT in South Africa”.

South Africa is expected to have the highest information, technology and communications (ICT) spend across the Middle East, Turkey and Africa (META) regions in 2017. It is expected to lead the way among the regions with investment in technologies such as cloud, big data, social, and mobility become investment imperatives and dominate the ICT decision-making agenda.

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