SwiftReg Company Registration is a company registration provider that has been in business for over 22 years. Their services range from company registration to digital marketing services like SEO and social media.
Their company registration services are used by 3 of the 4 major banks and they are the largest registration agent in South Africa.
They also offer company changes (including Director and Shareholder changes) and annual returns.
Main Features
Swiftreg specialises in the following services:
- New company
- Shelf companies
- BEE affidavit
- VAT registration
- Share certificates
- Tax clearance
- Website
- Logo Design – professional
- Trademarks
- Import/Export
- Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COID)
- Business plans
- Domain name registration
- Email setup
- Business cards
All packages include the following standard services: New Company; Bank Ready; Share Certificates; Public Officer Appointment; Tax Clearance Certificate.
Starter – R1470
All standard services
Tender – R2250
All standard services, plus: BEE Affidavit; CSD Registration
Premium – R4700
All standard services, plus: BEE Affidavit; CSD Registration; Standard Website; Google Map; SEO; Social Media Links; User Access Control; 500 Business Cards
They also have the following industry-specific packages. including; Transport (R2250); Construction (R3490); Security (R5390)