Guide to the Huawei SME Programme

Updated on Jul 26, 2024


When people speak of this mythical place called ‘the cloud’, they mean cloud computing technology. Using cloud technology can help you access old pictures, videos and documents online, even if they have been lost or deleted. For businesses, cloud computing allows them to store and protect data.

Small to medium enterprises (SMEs) are hesitant to use cloud computing because they believe it is costly and complex. Therefore, they are slow to adopt this technology.

To help SMEs reap the benefits of this technology, telecommunications company Huawei South Africa has collaborated with the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT) to provide training to help them adopt cloud computing easily.

“Cloud services provide SMEs with cost-effective and innovative ways to manage their operations, collaborate with teams, and stay ahead in the market while minimising their environmental impact,” says Vanashree Govender, Media Relations and Communications Manager for Huawei South Africa.

In this guide, we will look at the Huawei SME programme and how it can benefit SMEs across South Africa.

What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the use of hosted services such as data, storage, databases, networking, servers and software. These services are usually hosted over the Internet.

The data you store on physical servers are maintained by a cloud service provider. You do not have to maintain the cloud yourself; it’s usually done by service providers. When data or files are stored on the cloud, they can be accessed from anywhere, if there is an Internet connection.

Cloud technology has two different layers; back-end and front-end. The back-end layer is made up of software and hardware including computers, servers, and databases. The front-end layer is where users can access the data or files stored on the cloud.

Benefits Of Cloud Computing For Smes

South Africa has an estimated 2,6 million SMEs. With such a huge number, it’s important to see the benefits of cloud computing and how it can help them.

Some of the advantages of leveraging cloud computing include:

  • Security of data.
  • Access to stored cloud data remotely.
  • Requires little maintenance.
  • Reduces business IT costs.
  • Quick to recover in case of disaster(s).
  • Makes it easier to collaborate and increases work efficiency.
  • Can easily be integrated when your business is growing.

These are just a few benefits of cloud computing. The technology can be a great tool to elevate your current processes such as collaboration on projects and workflow. Additionally, cloud computing can provide extra security for important documents and confidential files.

“By embracing cloud services, SMEs can increase efficiency, be flexible as their needs grow, and better compete within their industries. These services help them grow and succeed in an ever-changing business landscape,” explains Govender.

Huawei Sme Transformation Training 2024

The initiative is a four-day programme which focuses on cloud computing. The programme runs from the 22nd of July till the 25th of July 2024 and all training is done online. The programme featured 400 SMEs on Day one.

Huawei says they want SMEs to stick through the programme to gain further knowledge and get their certificate of attendance. To date, the telecoms company has issued 300 certificates out of a total 800.

Day 1: Cloud Computing Introduction

On the first day of the programme, SMEs are given in-depth training on cloud computing, the way it is used in everyday life, cloud computing models and the benefits of cloud computing.

When integrating cloud technology, you need to know which models to choose, and which ones suit your business more.

Cloud Computing Models

There are three main types of cloud computing models. These include public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud. Within these models, there are four main cloud services. These services are Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS), Software as a service (SaaS) and Serverless computing.

Public Cloud

This type of cloud model helps deliver resources. These resources are usually storage, network and Internet applications amongst many others. Public cloud models are usually run by third-party service providers.

Private Cloud

Private cloud models are developed, run and used by a one organisation, usually on premises. They give you more control, customisation and data security. These models usually come with similar costs associated with traditional IT environments.

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid cloud models mix private cloud computing with public cloud. This model allows you to use the resources and services from various computing environments and pick which one is most optimal for the workloads.

Note: The use of different cloud services from different providers (public and private) is called a multi-cloud environment.

Day 2: Huawei Cloud Introduction

On the second day, SMEs are introduced to the Huawei Cloud. Huawei recently launched its Huawei Cloud Stack 8.3. The cloud stack helps businesses better utilise their data because the Huawei Cloud Stack 8.3 leverages data tehcnology and artificial intelligence (AI)  to provide numerous cloud services. The Huawei Cloud Stack seeks to innovated in the following key areas:

Trusted Cloud Infrastructure – Huawei has invested in secure, reliable and open cloud native infrastructure. The company also has green, low-carbon IT hardware and data centre infrastructure.

Innovative Cloud Service Abilities – Huawei uses data and AI technologies to give SMEs various cloud services, aiming to help SMEs leverage the value of data and enhance data sovereignty.

Extensive Industry Knowledge – Huawei provides SMEs a series of professional services, covering things such as design, service planning, implementation, and deliveries. Huawei plans to work with more industry partners to help SMEs accelerate intelligent and digital transformation.

Huawei Cloud Stack 8.3 Application Scenarios

Application scenarios describe how users interact with a planned system using realistic examples. During this session, SMEs were shown how the Huawei Cloud has been used in real life and how they can adopt the technology for their businesses. Some examples of the Huawei Cloud Stack 8.3 scenarios include:

Converged Resource Pool – Huawei’s new cloud stack is easily interconnected with existing IT infrastructure. Your legacy VMware (VM is a software-based representation of a physical computer) resource pools and mainstream hardware are managed as one. This allows for unified provisioning, maintenance, and monitoring of resources and applications.

converged resource pool Huawei

Hosting Cloud – Using advantages of network and local services, carriers, industry leaders or Internet service providers can build platforms to provide full-stack cloud services and resources. These can service governments, enterprises and industry customers in different industry scenarios in offline mode.

hosting cloud huawei

Multi-cloud Management – Multi-cloud management consists of Cloud Federation with Huawei Cloud Stack management and Huawei Cloud Stack online management. This is all done through Huawei ManageOne which is an end-to-end date centre management solution.

Edge Region – Secondary regions are provided for edge branch scenarios to meet the criteria for low-cost edge branch services. This form of edge computing is a distributed computing framework that allows Internet of Things (IoT) devices to easily and quickly process and act on data at the edge of the network.

Note: The Huawei Cloud Stack is a hybrid cloud model.

Huawei Cloud Stack Ecosystem

Cloud Stack 8.3 has an established secure, reliable and open cloud native infrastructure. This means that the technology has a set of security practices and technologies designed specifically for apps built and deployed in cloud environments.

“Huawei does not just sell the solution and leave. Rather, extensive industry know-how and our expertise in high-level design, service planning, implementation, and deliveries are made available to SMEs, so they are in the best position to take advantage of our Cloud Stack,” Govender emphasises.

Day 3: Cloud Services Introduction and Hands-on practice

On the third day of the programme, the participants are given a chance to use the Huawei cloud technology and see practically how the technology can be integrated and used in their businesses.

The SMEs are also given an introduction into cloud computing services, network cloud services and storage cloud services.

Cloud Computing Services

Cloud computing services are application and infrastructure resources that exist on the Internet. These services are provided by third-party providers who contract with subscribers for these services. This allows customers to use powerful computing resources without having to purchase or maintain hardware and software.

Network Cloud Services

Cloud networking services are a Wide Area Network (WAN) that hosts users and resources. It allows for the two (host and resources) to communicate using cloud-based technology. The technology consists of virtual routers, firewalls, and network management software. Additionally, the technology allows businesses to access databases, power and storage using cloud technology.

Storage Cloud Services

Cloud storage is a form of computer data storage in which digital data (online files, pictures etc) is stored on servers in off-site locations. The servers are usually maintained by a third-party provider who is responsible for the hosting, managing and securing of the data stored on its infrastructure. There are three main cloud storage types, mainly: object storage, file storage and block storage.

Day 4: Cloud Services Introduction and Hands-on Practice (part 2)

On the last day of the programme, the participants are given further information on the different cloud services. The participants also go through more practical experience on Huawei’s cloud stack.

A second day of practice is done to help SMEs understand the full use and power of cloud technology. It’s also done to help SMEs see the benefits of integrating the Huawei Cloud Stack into their businesses. After training has been concluded, participants will be sent their certificates of participation.

“Thanks to the scalability of Huawei’s cloud offering, businesses have a cloud provider who grows as they grow. Huawei’s ‘pay as you go’ model means businesses can leave upgrades, migration and maintenance of their data systems to a cloud provider, giving them more time to focus on their core expertise,” said Govender.


How To Register For Huawei Digital Skills Transformation?

Huawei and the DCDT have an agreement to develop programmes aimed at enhancing broadband deployment as a foundation for a digital economy and providing digital skills training for SMEs.

This programme forms part of a wider collaboration agreement between Huawei and the department. Govender explains, “Through this programme, Huawei will share its global best practices for the planning of policies within the digital economy and technology rollouts, among other things.”

Note: Other stakeholders in this broadband pact include Africa Analysis and Digital Council Africa.


The first thing you need to do is register for the programme. The programme details are announced by the department on its social media pages and website. To be part of the programme, you will need to click on the forms link and provide your business details.

The department oversees the recruitment of trainees. Once you have sent in your form, the department will select those who qualify to attend Huawei courses. Additionally, the department is responsible for keeping track of attendance and ensuring that those who finish the programme (with full attendance), are awarded a certificate from Huawei.


If your application is approved, the department will send you links which you will use to join the training classes. Huawei organises the training resources and shares a post-training session link to SMEs. The department then shares these links with all trainees.
During the hands-on practice, the participants are given a link and through that will be able to get hands-on practice using the Huawei Cloud Stack.

Future Huawei Digital Skills And Transformation Programmes

Huawei and the DCDT have a long-standing agreement, which will include more training programmes for SMEs. The telecommunications company says it is open to hosting two more sessions this year.

Govender explains that more training sessions are dependent on how impactful they can be for the SMEs.

“The SME environment is a highly competitive one where adaptation to the latest technologies can help a business stay ahead. The content of future courses is based on the results of Huawei’s internal discussions with the DCDT as well as feedback from previous sessions. We value the feedback we receive from our trainees and this information is incorporated into the content design of future courses,” concludes Govender.